Adoption Fees
**Ask our staff about the CSNIP low cost spay/neuter program**
the Humane Society Senior Citizen Adoption Assistance Program!
DOGS: $20 adoption fee*, $25 rabies vaccination* for all dogs over 3 months of age, $22 license fee* for unneutered dogs OR $7 for neutered dogs. If the animal is not altered; prepay of neuter/spay is REQUIRED prior to animal leaving department. (Out of county adopters will not be licensing at time of adoption but will instead be required to purchase a license from the county in which they reside.)
CATS: $10 adoption fee*, $25 rabies vaccination* if over 3 months of age, and if not altered; prepay of sterilization is REQUIRED prior to animal leaving our department.
PREPAYS: A prepay contract for sterilization must be completed by the veterinarian of your choice, and the surgery paid for prior to any unaltered animal leaving the department.
*Spaying and Neutering is good for your pet, preventing certain cancers and diseases, and is the best solution to controlling the over-pet population.
RECLAIMING YOUR ANIMAL: If your lost pet is in our department there is a $10 per day* boarding charge for the time your animal is in the department, and an impound fee where applicable. Please provide proof of ownership, a photo or vet records are good examples. Also note that a current rabies vaccination & a current dog license will be required prior to reclaimed dogs leaving the department.
(*All fees are subject to change at any time.)